2023年北京语言大学艺术类录取规则 Beijing Language and Culture University

Kwok 发表于:2023-02-03 13:03:32 点击:3 评论: 0


As of December 2017, the school has 3 national-level candidates for the New Century Ten Million Talents Project, 1 person selected as the leader of the National Ten Thousand Talents Plan, 1 person selected as the "Young Top Talents" of the Organization Department of the Central Committee, 29 people selected as the New Century Excellent Talents Support Planner, 7 people selected as Huo Yingdong Young Teachers Award, 46 people selected as the government special allowance, 3 people selected as the "Four Batches" of the national propaganda and cultural system, and 2 people selected as the "Four Batches" of Beijing, There are 4 famous teachers in Beijing.

截至2017年12月,该校共有新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选3人,入选国家万人计划领军人才1人,中组部“青年拔尖人才”1人,新世纪优秀人才支持计划者29人,霍英东青年教师奖获得者7人,政府特殊津贴获得者46人 ,入选国家宣传文化系统“四个一批”人才3人,北京市“四个一批”人才2人,北京市教学名师4人。 


As of August 2021, the university has 2 post-doctoral mobile stations, 2 first-level discipline doctoral degree stations, 11 first-level discipline master degree stations, and 9 master degree authorization stations. There are 1 national second-level key discipline, 1 Beijing first-level key discipline, 10 Beijing second-level key disciplines, and 2 Beijing high-level, refined and cutting-edge disciplines.



In 2023, the admission rules for the arts of Beijing Language and Culture University have been announced. The following are the relevant contents, which are from the enrollment brochures for your reference:


Admission rules


1. Candidates must take part in the national unified examination for the enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities in the same year, and the score of cultural courses should not be lower than the control line for the admission of undergraduate students of the same subject and art in the place of origin. The score of cultural courses is the actual score of the college entrance examination of the candidates, excluding extra points.


2. Candidates who apply for the majors covered by the provincial unified examination must take the provincial unified examination and pass the examination. The corresponding relationship between the school's majors and the provincial unified examination subjects is as follows: painting is art and design, calligraphy is calligraphy, and musicology (music international education and communication) is musicology.


3. Painting and calligraphy


In the provinces where parallel volunteering is implemented, the best candidates will be selected according to the order of the highest score to the lowest. In the provinces that implement sequential voluntary enrollment, the best candidates will be selected according to the proportion (rounding, two decimal places) from the highest to the lowest. The full score of proportional score is 100, and the calculation formula is:




4. Musicology (music international education and communication)


According to the order of the examinees' professional course scores from high to low, the musicology vocal music and instrumental music categories are ranked separately in the country, and the school examination qualified list is determined, and the provincial and professional enrollment plan is prepared according to the school examination qualified list. When applying for admission, the students will be ranked by province according to the proportion (rounding, two places after the decimal point), and the best ones will be selected from the highest to the lowest. The full score of proportional score is 750, and the calculation formula is:




5. If the candidate has the same score or proportional score, the candidate with higher score will be preferred. The comparative order of the relevant scores is: the scores of the unified examination (school examination), the English scores of cultural courses, the Chinese scores of cultural courses, and the math scores of cultural courses.


6. For provinces where the college entrance examination is reformed or the undergraduate batch is merged, the admission control line shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Ministry of Education and provincial enrollment and examination institutions. If the provincial enrollment and examination institution has other filing rules, the rules of the provincial enrollment and examination institution shall be followed in principle. The school can adjust the enrollment plan according to the situation of students.


标签:北京语言大学艺术类Kwok最后编辑于:2023-02-03 14:03:06

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